Grow Your Take-Home-Pay.
Get Certified and Win Big.
It's up to you.
Continuant is now offering more solutions and services than ever. And as we step up our product and service offerings, we are also stepping up our sales training so that every AE engaged is selling either Cisco, Microsoft, or an AV deal becomes certified in that product.
Why the change? We believe we have entered a new era where the market expects a higher level of expertise from people selling a product or service. Our new Certification Program is designed to do just that: Turn our AEs into product experts.
What if you have a prospect that is interested in a product for which you are not yet certified? In that case, to see the deal through to completion, you must find an AE who is certified in that product. This approach is known as a "Tee-Up." What it means is that a non-certified AE must find a certified AE to Tee-Up the deal. Both AEs will stay involved in the sales process and retain the ability to continue to sell to the client, long-term.
Still not sure about the benefits of certification? Consider this: When the deal is done, the commission will be split between the non-certified and the certified AE. If you are not certified, you will make 25 percent of the commission, while the certified AE will earn the remaining 75 percent.
The numbers speak for themselves. It is a big benefit for every Continuant AE to become certified in every offering, every solution, every service. And for those AEs who step up early to get certified in all offerings, there is an immense opportunity to dramatically increase your monthly earnings.
Some of these product certifications require tracks and lessons produced by our SMEs here at Continuant. Other certifications also require training on other websites. Either way, we’re here to help you earn your certifications—and more pay! When you attain each certification, you will earn a badge and certificate which you can display in your cubicle, making it easy for non-certified AEs to find you and bring you Tee-Ups.
Over the coming months, we will be adding certifications for every one of Continuant's products. Stay tuned!